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Women's Portrait & Beyond Motherhood

We all know that motherhood changes us. Our body, mind, the way we see people but mainly the way we see, love and treat ourselves.
Being a mother I understand how we very often forget to stop everything, slow down, to take some deep breaths and appreciate some time on our own, time to look inside, to treat ourselves with something nice. Time to stop everything and realise how super powerful we are. To treat us with the kindness and love we deserve.

My aim with this women photography sessions is to direct and guide woman to think about it, so they can express themselves in their own way and I can capture photos of how I see them. Moments of honest and natural self love. It can be while they meditate, or enjoy a glass of wine, read, or just let themselves be guided by me while we have a nice and relaxed time chatting and listening to some music. 

However,  you do not to be a mother to practice self love. We all deserve it! So all women are more than welcome for this type of section. You just need to be opened to the experience.
I am sure you will have a wonderful time, and have lovely images to remind yourself how amazing it is to practice acts of self love during this journey called life and motherhood :)

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